Backstage e-learning

Details of the organization
Diplomatic Council
Civil society entities

Information about the project
Backstage e-learning
Most eLearning platforms for lectures follow a technological approach - including technology in lectures without supporting underlying structures and individual differences. In a more pedagogical approach the open-source eLearning platform Backstage can address different structures in lectures and personal learning styles by analysing lecturers’ and students’ behaviour, interaction and learning outcome. With this data Backstage, can help structuring the lecture and assist students on a more personal level, by offering suitable learning material and tasks. Intensive research regarding students’ attention show that while eLearning can help to focus on lectures, more personalisation and structure is needed to foster better learning.
National implementation: Germany
Ongoing from 01/01/2009 to 01/01/2027

WSIS information
      * E-learning
  • Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
  • Project