WSIS Forum 2018 Photo Contest Finalist

Promoting access to information to our key stakeholders in the Pacific

WSIS Forum 2018 Photo Contest Finalist

Promoting access to information to our key stakeholders in the Pacific

The Pacific region comprises over twelve million people who rely on agriculture and fisheries for food security, incomes and societal development. Inherent challenges from being small, relatively isolated and narrow resource-based are common in the Pacific. Our project is using ICTs to promote access to agriculture information and to ensure a people-centred approach to promote our the work our key agriculture and rural development stakeholders on the ground to ensure that they have access to information and knowledge. Having access to information and knowlede will allow them to make better and informed decisions to support the agriculture sector. ICTs are a cornerstone of the modern agriculture sector, used to support industry good practice for the delivery of better and more efficient services to stakeholders. The project has looked at ways to build knowledge management capacity to ensure that the 15 target Pacific countries understand the need to have access to and use of policies, research and market information for more informed decision making in the long term.

Pacific - Vanuatu and Fiji

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