PP-14 Speeches

International Telecommunication Union

Houlin Zhao
Secretary-General Elect

23 October 2014 - Acceptance Speech

Mr. Chairman,
Your Excellencies,
Distinguished delegates,
Dear colleagues and friends,
Ladies and gentlemen,

I feel deeply moved that you have unanimously and enthusiastically elected me as the new Secretary General of the ITU, entrusting me the honour of leading our beloved organization for the next four years. I sincerely thank all of you for your confidence in me.

At this happy moment, I would like to express my profound gratitude to the Government of China for presenting my candidature. I would also like to thank H. E. Mr. Liu Lihua, Vice Minister of MIIT, and to the Chinese delegation to this PP-14, as well as to all Chinese friends who have worked hard to promote my candidature over the last two years. I would like to thank all delegates of ITU Member States, experts and friends of ITU Sector Members and others, and to thank the ITU staff, for their invaluable support and encouragement shown to me since my candidature was announced two years ago. The last but not the least, I would like to thank my dear wife Aihua Jiang, who has always assisted me in serving the ITU and is now here in this room together with my son Peng to support me in person. Thank you all!

Mr Chairman, 

At this special moment, please allow me to express my gratitude to the outgoing team of the ITU management.

My first heartfelt tribute is to Dr. Hamadoun Touré, Secretary General. He has done his utmost to lead the ITU with many achievements. Over the last 8 years, he and I have enjoyed working together in an excellent relationship. He is a great son of Africa and my life friend and brother. I wish him and his family all the best in the future. I would also like to express my gratitude to my colleague Directors: Mr. Malcolm Johnson, Director of TSB, Mr Francois Rancy, Director of BR, and Mr Brahima Sanou, Director of BDT. It has been a very enriching experience to work with them.

Mr Chairman,

ITU will celebrate its 150th anniversary next year. Over the last 150 years, ITU has demonstrated its ability to lead Telecom/ICT developments in the world. Over the recent two years, I have seen an ever-increasing support to ITU by our Members and a very high expectation of ITU's role by ITU's friends and partners worldwide. As the newly elected Secretary-General, I would like to assure you that I will do my best to fulfil ITU's mission, and through our close cooperation, to make ITU deliver services to the global telecommunication and information society at the level of excellence.

Mr. Chairman,
Dear colleagues and friends,

Once again, I present my sincere thanks to you all and I count on you all for the brilliant future of ITU in a harmonized Information Era! Let us work together for a common goal: "Better Telecommunications/ICTs, A better life for all".

Thank you very much.